Armistead Earthmoving Projects
Another successful project we have been a part of
Lake Condah Water Restoration
Principal – Department of Sustainability and Environment
Lake Condah was shaped by lava flows from the Mt Eccles volcano 30,000 years ago. The purpose of the project was to restore water in the lake to re-activate some of the 8,000 year old fish traps and provide immense environmental benefit whilst having minimum upstream or downstream impact on landholders and the environment.
The construction included an environmental bypass pipe, associated inlet and outlet structures, an automated flow control gate, and a 100m long rock chute incorporating a low flow fish passage.
Only local unemployed indigenous people were employed for the construction with Armistead staff providing training, supervision and guidance.
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1375 Deans Marsh Road,
VIC 3241, Australia
Office hours
Mon to Fri: 9:00 - 17:00
Mobile (Rod): 0428 887 363
Office: 03 5288 7363